Lion’s Gate Portal

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal? The Lion’s Gate Portal opens every year when the earth, the Dog Star Sirius, and Orion all align when the sun is in the sign of Leo opening a “gate” of heightened spiritual energy. This occurs during mid-summer as our sun passes through the sign of Leo, hence the […]

7 Ways to Use A Moon Journal to Manifest Your Best Year Ever!

Seven Ways You can use a Moon Journal to Manifest Your Best Year Ever! I designed this year’s Moon Calendar with pink and gold tones to warm the heart and lift our thoughts up to the heavens. Imagine the golden light from the heavenly realms blessing your dear heart, hearth and home. I also wanted […]

The Role of Priestesses Throughout History

Since the dawn of time, there have always been priestesses. In nearly every culture and civilization, there have been women who have been set apart to serve as spiritual leaders and intermediaries between the human and divine realms. But what exactly is a priestess? And what has been her role throughout history? Let’s take a […]

The Priestess Path

The Priestess Path is ancient and modern. It is a path walked by countless women throughout time who love the Divine and wish to be of service.   This is an eternal path, available to all and owned by no one.   At the dawn of recorded history, the Priestess Path was available to all […]

Forgiveness Fire Ceremony

Freedom & Forgiveness Fire Ceremony The element of fire transforms and transmutes. This is why fire ceremonies are so effective and widely used. The warm summer days in the Northern Hemisphere are a wonderful time to have a beautiful fire outside and ceremonially free yourself of any burdens that you have been carrying. The summer […]

The Feast Days of Vesta

The Vestal Priestesses and the Feast Days of the Goddess ✨The Vestal Virgins, Keepers of the Sacred Flame of Ancient Rome ✨We are in the feast days of Vesta that were once held by the Vestal priestesses, June 7-15th. This would have been a very warm summer week in Rome and celebrations dedicated to the […]

The Great Mother

The Great Mother:   The Great Mother is called by many names. She has many forms and many faces   She is the Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman, Crone She is Hathor, Isis, Inanna, Artemis and Aphrodite She is the fertile May Queen, eternally resurrected. She is the light-bringer, Brigid and Cerridwen of the shadows.   […]

Spring Equinox Ostara

SPRING EQUINOX, OSTARA: Spring is the aspect of the Triple Goddess in her Maiden form representing innocence, fertility, rising attraction and budding hope. In Greek Mythology, spring is the time when Persephone is released from her forced stay in the underworld abode of Hades.

Ritual Bathing Recipe for Renewal and Regeneration

RITUAL BATH TO CLEANSE THE OLD AND SET THE NEW: Self-nurturing is a cornerstone of the priestess path. When we nurture and care for ourselves, we recharge our batteries and have more to give. During self-care, we can take the time and change our vibration so that we are manifesting those things that we truly […]

The African Dark Mother

In celebration of Black History, we highlight the African Mother Goddess Could modern western iconography be derived from a far more ancient tradition? Could Africa be the origin of the first divinity that we know? And is this first divinity feminine? In the excerpt from her book “African Dark Mother – The Oldest Divinity We […]

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