Join your sisters who will support and celebrate your sacred self.
Receive initiations that claim your place in the spirit world as a sacred warrior of light.
Embody the strength of your divine mission making a stand for the sacred.
"You have helped me so much with verification on many of life's lessons that I have traveled on my own but always felt and known within. I have always been a warrior and now feel comfortable to continue my path knowing that it is ok to be of justice, because we have Divine sacred space finally injustice will not be tolerated anymore. Divine Gaia is shining again. Thank you for sharing you with us all!"
During this retreat you will experience: Claiming your sacred power
Illuminating and claiming your sacred gifts
Divine Light Healing
Angelic Sword Ceremony of presence and protection
Chord Cutting the ties that bind
Transformational breathwork to release old energy and soar into the world of your spirit
…And much, much more!
"Thank you, Elizabeth, for helping me create physical sacred spaces and teaching me how to improve my meditations and prayers so that they are much more effective and, more importantly, affective. I really appreciate learning how to open my heart more and share Divine energy with ever being and every thing in all existence. I read somewhere that in healing ourselves we heal the Earth and in healing the Earth, we heal ourselves. It's very simple and yet profound. Your teachings have helped me do this and more. Thank you."
Lynn B.
Hi! I am Elizabeth Seraphine, founder and guide on the Priestess Path Lineage of Light®. I initiate women who are ready to step into their sacred power.
My personal quest led me to work with masters and grandmasters of lineages of sacred power in order to uncover the initiations of the medicine woman, shamanesse, priestess.
This work will connect you with your spiritual mission, your spirit guides and with soul sisters who are choosing to step up and step into our sacred roles in the world.
And Goddess knows, the world need women in their sacred power!
I have initiated tens of thousands of women worldwide in the sacred arts and we invite you to enter the temple and receive the nourishment for the sacred halls of the ancient and modern temples of light.
"You have given me a structure to do something I've always known I'm here to do. I've been taking from here and there and trying to piece it all together, but now I feel like I actually know how to do ceremony where before I just watched other people do it. Looking forward to using these tools in my daily life."
Jennifer S.
This event is by private registration only. Partial refund (1/2) is available with doctors receipt only until March 15th, 2024. After March 15, no refunds are available, but can receive a credit for a future event.
The event includes three full days of ceremony at Sedonya retreat center. Organic lunch is provided on Friday and Sunday. Saturday lunch at Chocolatree is covered by participant. A Saturday ceremonial afternoon in the red rock of Sedona is also included.
The three day retreat is held at Sedonya Conscious Living Center: 120 Deer Trail Dr. Sedona, AZ 86336. Hours are Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday, 9am-5pm, Sunday 9am-5pm