What is the Lion’s Gate Portal?
The Lion’s Gate Portal opens every year when the earth, the Dog Star Sirius, and the constellation Orion all align when the sun is in the sign of Leo.
Since ancient times, this powerful alignment of cosmic bodies has been recognized as a time when heightened energy pours onto the planet from the cosmos.
Modern science has proven that our DNA absorbs light and, since light carries information, our DNA then decodes the information. This fact attests to why we received heightened energy and “downloads” at this time.
Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and it returns to view on the horizon in the Western Hemisphere, especially in Egypt approximately July 28-August 12th. Upon its “return”, it can be seen in the early morning. This return to the visible sky after a planet or star has disappeared beneath the horizon is called a “helical” rising.
The Lion’s Gate was sacred to the Egyptians as it signaled the flooding of the Nile and thus the fertility of the land
It is interesting to note that the Pyramid of Giza has structures which align perfectly to Sirius and Orion’s Belt, suggesting that one of its main functions was to alert the people to this potent portal.
When Sirius returns, it signals the beginning of the Egyptian New Year as the land and the people would be renewed by the overflowing waters.
For this reason, the Lion’s Gate Portal was associated with the fertility Goddess, as all would be nourished and rebirth.
As the water of the Nile river rises, it overflowed onto the land, nourishing the the crops and trees with rich silt and the earth was revitalized by the element of water.
The star Sirius is therefore associated with the Goddess Isis, the Priestess-Queen carrying the similar power of resurrection. Sirius is also associated with the Goddess Hathor, the nurturing mother Goddess.
How You Can Benefit From the Lion’s Gate Portal:
The Lion’s Gate Portal offers a potent time to connect to the Spiritual Sun and to fill our body and being with literal light from this great cosmic body.
You can do a practice that aligns your spirit to the cosmic center and absorb as much of this light from our spiritual sun as possible.
This is a time to attune your soul to Your highest and brightest potential and to get the downloads from Spirit about the direction that is right for you now.
It is also important to Navigate your waters with love.
In order to support you in going deeper into your personal power, and to work with the light from the spiritual sun, I am holding a very special Lion’s Gate Initiation on August 10th 2024 from 10am-noon Pacific.
Join Me for a Special Lion’s Gate Workshop:
I have been offering Lion’s Gate activations online since 2016 and this year we are continuing the tradition making it even more potent, powerful and useful. This year, don’t miss this powerful opportunity to unite with like-minded others on the spiritual path and be guided to your highest light!
Click Here to Join our Courageous Tribe for the 2024 Lion’s Gate Workshop!
This will be another beautiful gathering in safe and sacred temple space.
I look forward to sharing sacred time with you!
Many Blessings!
About Elizabeth Seraphine:
Elizabeth Seraphine is the CEO and Founder of The Priestess Path Lineages of Light ® Mystery School. She has pioneered the return of the station of priestess for the modern woman based on real mystic teachings and initiations. Over the course of her thirty-five-year career, she has trained tens of thousands of men and women and has been pivotal in returning the station of priestess and the temples to modern life.
Over the past thirty-five years, Elizabeth has honed her skills in the sacred lineages, with advanced training in shamanism, martial arts, Taoism, qigong, and the priestess arts. She has pushed the boundaries of the mystic envelope and has five black belts, has co-owned and operated five martial art and qigong centers, and became the first female master in her martial art organization.
Her love of shamanism began at age seventeen, and ever since, she has been studying and teaching. In 2000, she was the youngest graduate of The Foundation For Shamanic Studies’ Three-Year Course in Advanced Shamanic Healing. She has also sat extensively with Master Ayahuasceros to get the core imprint of this sacred art from the original keepers.
Her love of the Priestess role has been a golden thread throughout her life. Early on, she knew that she wanted to resurrect the temples so that women could learn the sacred arts of the feminine and the mystic divine.
Elizabeth’s path to becoming a modern day medicine woman was not straightforward. As a young girl, she longed for a female mentor to guide her through the mysteries of herself and the cosmos but found none. This lack of guidance led her to a period of self-destruction, culminating in hospitalization for bulimia. Her journey to heal her spirit and to discover her sacred power led her into the magical world of the shaman priestess.
For decades, she apprenticed sacred lineages of wisdom and made excursions into the spirit world and pioneered the rebuilding block by block of a Western Priestess temple. Today, she has taught tens of thousands of both men and women and has given thousands of women worldwide a template of the priestess temple.
Elizabeth’s dedication to her work is evident in her commitment to training others. She spends her time training medicine women equipping them with solid lineage tools and unparalleled experience from creating a successful global business. Her influence extends beyond her direct students, as she has now taught tens of thousands and provided thousands of women worldwide with a specific template of the temple.
Sign up on her website to stay connected to our Tribe: http://www.elizabethseraphine.com