Founder of The Priestess Path Lineages of Light ®

Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse May 26, 2021

Welcome to the Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse! The first eclipse of the decade!

The moon is presently 99% full on her way to a potent meeting with the sun. She will be fully eclipsed in 21 hours as of this writing in a full moon, blood moon, flower moon eclipse when the earth comes between the sun and the moon.

This is the only lunar eclipse of 2021 and the first lunar eclipse in 2.5 years! The Western U.S. states are prime locations to see the total lunar eclipse Tuesday and Wednesday, May 25-26.

It is a flower moon because, in the Western Hemisphere, the flowers are in bloom. You may have smelled them on your walks through the neighborhood or as you step gently upon the belly of the earth.

The full moon is in fiery Saggitarius, the archer, who takes aim and sends his arrow towards his target. Is there something you have been aiming at? It may be easier now to reach that goal.

Lunar eclipses are known to be times of intensity. Not only does the full moon pull on our emotions, making more obvious any imbalances, injustices, and injury in our lives, but the eclipse puts an energetic shadow on things bringing up that which has been hidden.

Also, lunar eclipses are known to end things. There may be an old, outworn issue, habit, or experience that is now ready to be done with.

Doing a personal ceremony at this time ads the focus of intention and increased energy of manifestation to your soul path.

Full Moons and eclipses are potent windows to clarify our intention, slow down, meditate, contemplate and choose what we are doing. You may want to take a nice bath with some of summer’s flowers, do yoga, meditate, sitting under the full moon, have a conversation with your soul, the angels, and the higher power. The increased energy of Saggitarius will give wings to things that have been stagnant and we want to make sure we are hitting our intended target and not spinning around.

This is a time to be conscious and aware. The world is experiencing much tension as forces are in play that intends to bifurcate neighbors and infuse fear into the system. Moderate your intake of programs that make you angry, fearful, and insecure, like much of the news and social media. Empower yourself with walks in nature, movement, silence and focus on what YOU want to create.

The moon is said to be leaving a time of stagnation (in Scorpio) and opening up into the adventurous energies of Saggitarius. This can add movement to things that have been sitting on the shelves of your life. Be full of care though and be aware of what you are aiming at as the energy now supports you hitting the bulls-eye of your target.

A journaling exercise: Explore what is alive in you:

  • What are you aiming at?
  • What do you want to aim at?
  • Have there been obstacles, eddies and places that you have allowed yourself to get distracted?
  • What personal ceremony can you do to be done with them? (Write them on a piece of paper and burn or bury them.)
  • Take back your power, your focus and your time.
  • Make a collage, a vision board or arrange items on your altar that represent what you are choosing to create, be or do.


How to Watch the Full Moon Eclipse:

The entire eclipse will take about 5 hours. The eclipse begins at:
1:47 a.m. PDT / 4:47 a.m. EDT (08:47:39 GMT)
The partial eclipse is about an hour later.
The full eclipse is at: 4:11 a.m. PDT/7:11 a.m. EDT (11:11 GMT)
And is complete 3 hours later at 5:52 a.m. PDT/8:52 a.m. EST (12:52 GMT)

The Universe dances in perfect balance and lunar eclipses are always followed by a solar eclipse. The solar eclipse will occur on June 10, 2021, and could bring in a thankful breeze of fresh, new energy.



Time converter:

35 Responses

    1. Thank you so much for all your information
      God bless you abundantly always
      Michael Kuchta Australia Queensland

  1. I would like to know more about learning from you. I am not on social media but do get on the internet. Thank you for your time.

  2. What is an energetic invocation that I might speak during my full
    moon ceremony tomorrow morning?

    1. Wow thank-you Elizabeth,
      I too would like to start to join the dots of my journey to find the peace and joy that I have helped others but not myself This blood moon is drawing me to do exactly that!
      I had an eagle swooping towards the car I was passenger in yesterday too.
      Thank you

    2. Hi Marlene, to me invocations are very personal as we are inviting the powers that we work with and wish to be with us for ceremony. I suggest speaking from your heart, calling in Spirit from your soul and see what else comes to you.

  3. Thank you for this explanation & invitation.
    My regular practice is to go out for a walk about 10:00 pm, & say a prayer of gratitude to Grandmother Moon, whether or not I can see her

  4. This is beautiful. A good friend of mine – Linda Fox – has been showing me Charka information. I have always loved rocks / stones and water so some of it is making sense.

  5. Thank you Elizabeth. I did map out my process and your suggestions broaden my meditation. Namaste.

  6. You are amazing and deeply connected Warriors of Light, deeply inspired and ignited spiritually by your example

  7. Thank you Elizabeth. I was just outside gazing at the beautiful moon here in PA. Much love to all.

  8. thank you so much for your knowledge & wisdom! I will be under the moon tonight to rid myself of much rubbish! hoping this eclipse will help me moving forword, I have been a slug

  9. Yes , a necessary time to set intentions and make goals . Time to rise above this confusion and quagmire and be free of these nauseating and dizzying after effects of the past 63 years of being of service to humanity and taking on too much of its cumulative negativity .
    I need a complete transformation and I’m calling on this Blood Moon and all of the sacrifices of a lifetime to have a new , freer dimension .

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